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Hi All,

The weather and dishwashing are certainly not the only way people can get dry. Cracked skin, and especially on the feet. Look, your feet take a pounding every day, and you need to keep them soft and moisturized anayway without any other problems. Diabetes can be a big problem, not just for overall health, but even your skin, especially your feet. Sadly, many know this all too well.

Diabetes can damage nerves in your legs and feet, and one bad byproduct of that is with damaged nerves, you may not be able to feel dry skin warning signs and skin damage. I am not going to give any medical advice – you need to be on top of any medical issues, but one piece of advice I can give you has to do with keeping the skin on your feet from getting dry and cracked and from working to repair the skin if that happens.

Here is a good link with overall advice: http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/tips-foot-care#2-7. Very simply, ten tips to protect your feet if you have diabetes. One tip is to use lotion daily on your feet. Glysolid is great for this and any type of dry skin issue. Talk to your doctor about this and any treatment you may need. People, be proactive with your health, and take care of yourself.