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Hi, Aimee here again.

It has been rainy here in LA these last couple weeks and more rain is coming. How about that? Rain in Los Angeles. And a lot of it. And the rain brings dry skin. I wrote about that a week ago. And I wrote about how Glysolid can help with dry, and even severely cracked skin.

I was asked which product would be the best to use, and while the whole line is excellent, I think the 3.38 ounce Skin Balm Cream is fantastic and great for the skin issues I just mentioned. There are no perfumes or preservatives in the cream making it perfect for even the most sensitive skin - skin that can get itchy and get rashes. And although the cream is thick, it is not greasy or oily. I hate greasy lotions and creams and I know you do too. The balm is so versatile, you can even use the product on your face! Finally, a little goes a long way, so you don’t need to puts gobs and gobs on your skin to get the excellent moisturizing effect. It’sno wonder I have been told the Glysolid’s Balm Cream is a miracle.